Prices are subject to change depending on level of detail and special requests.
The compounds in these products will remain on the lashes, even after properly cleansing. This will prevent the extension adhesive from properly bonding and you may experience premature lash loss.
Residual oils and makeup remaining on the lashes will only prevent the adhesive from properly bonding. This point needs to be stressed - do not arrive still wearing eye makeup.
Apply eye cream sparingly, if at all. If you use an oil based makeup remover, make sure that is removed completely from the eyes as well. Oil is the kryptonite to lash adhesive.
The chemical compounds in lash dye can cause the adhesive to improperly bond, or not at all.
A compound found in all lash adhesives, cyanoacrylate, needs humidity to properly cure. TOO MUCH humidity will shock the adhesive and cause premature lash loss. Showers, steam, saunas, and crying are not permitted for the initial 24-48 hours after application.
Always pack your case and solution. Be prepared to wear your glasses after the service, as application of contact solution will wet the lashes. Being contact free is a safety precaution and ensures you leave with happy, healthy eyes and lashes.
If you are receiving any sort of facial treatment that includes cleansing or steam, this must be scheduled PRIOR to your lash appointment. 48 hours after lash application is the recommended time post-lashing.